Game Design Story Telling

Level 3 Extended Game Diploma

Personally the best 10 best game for storytelling is:

10 (lowest) - 1 (highest)

- Warframe (10)
- Darksiders 2 (9)
- Assassin's Creed Syndicate (8)
- Walking Dead: Season 2 (7)
- Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (6)
- Fallout 4 (5)
- Metal Gear: Solid 5 (4)
- Until Dawn (3)
- Wolf Among Us (2)
- Batman Arkham Knight (1)

Games without a Story:
I will be using Stars Battlefront. The game itself does not have a story to itself, but rather uses the movie, comic and TV franchise to set its self up. This good why of getting people to play the game, as the franchise already has a large and supporting fan base. This will great opportunity for the Stars Battlefront to coma out. Again, the game does not have a really story itself, but rather uses the franchise to set itself up. As it also sends the player straight into the multilayer section, which does not hold much of a story.

Storytelling: Game VS Movie:
Story telling in game has impact the world it creates at the start. The storytelling is one of things that makes it great at it own, but making the player be involved itself as well, will impact on it more. The aspect that players usually exploring areas. As movie your just watching a screenplay, that requires no effort from to continue on the story. The screenplay can go much further just doing a good storytelling. But game that is able to do so as well is great, but having a good gameplay would make it much better all together. By comparing movie to a game will not be fair. As movie has more exploration without requiring players to limit the story. As for game can easily be better then movie as player is interacting with story. This can cause it to be more impact-ful for the player.

Games with no Plot VS Games with a Plot :
Games with no plot cannot go far, as it will not keep player intrigued for long. But if it was just quick causal game that can be played. It can be like "Flappy Birds", "PacMan" and etc. Games with no story, but yet has global score system, this can cause the player to get hooked and interested in.

If game does have plot, it will be aimed at those who can make time to play through the game itself. It can be games like "Batman Arkham Knight", "Fallout 4", "Wolf Among Us" and "The Last Of Us". These games have heavily based around story.


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