Unit 66: 3D Modelling – P3/M3/D3

Unit 66: 3D Modelling – P3/M3/D3

Part 1: Body's modelling (Section 1):

Front Plane
Side Plane

Basic model concept that I drawn, nothing to complicated. I design to be simple, so I can model a basic humanoid shape. Favouring the male body shape over the female body.

Part 1: Chest segment (Section 2):

I started out with simple square shape by six segments by side, six segment above and six segments underneath. I used the segment to shape out the basic shape of the humanoid shape. I mainly focused trying to get the general shape by seeing it through the rough shape instead of smoothed shape.

Part 1: Arm and leg segments (Section 3):

I started to model the arm first. I created a cylinder and add nine segments across the cylinder. I did the same-thing that I did with the chest. I focused getting the general shape of the arm in the rough form instead of the smoother form.

I repeated the same actions with legs but I had to focus on creating more of curvature shape to emphasise more on the muscular part of the leg.

Part 1: Foot and hand segments (Section 4):

I started out with squares and four cylinders together in rough form. Then connecting the cylinders together by grouping then connecting vertexes making the hand when curvature form.

I repeated the same with foot as well.

Next, I grouped all the pieces together and deleted one half then duplicated the other half. Then reemerging both pieces together again. After that I connect the vertexes of each pieces together, making it into one block.

Part 2: Face (Section 1):

Image plane:

Head Concept
Concept I quickly drawn with simple feature, nothing in great detail. Did this so it can be easily model into 3D model with ease.

Part 2: Face Modelling (Section 2)

Head modelling in progress

I started with simple cube with 18 line across the sides, front and back. Drag them by the vertexes, so I can get the general shape I need to get for the head. After, I got the general shape, I deleted half the model so I can duplicate the other off when am done with it.

Next, I started to shape an entrance for the eyes to enter. I quickly created a circle and deleted majority of the shape and only used hand full of shades were left. I grouped the circle and head, next I had connect them. Finally, I duplicated the other half and merged the vertexes to create a whole a head.

Personally, am okay with the head but am happy how the rest of the body turned. I want to improve the head to make it look more humanoid then robotic. I failed to curve out the head which would have made the head more humanoid like. The hands I decided to go with four fingers instead of five seeing how concept is to have an "alien clown". 


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