Understanding The Use Of Music

Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Games DevelopmentUnit 73: Sound for Computer GamesCollege: South Leicestershire College
Lecturer: Josh Rai
Student: Ibraahiim Ahmed

I will be comparing two theme songs from the Last of Us and Halo 2: Reach. The soundtrack are The Last of Us, main theme, by Gustavo Santaolalla. The Halo 2: Reach by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori. I will be comparing the similarities, the difference and how they were made.

Theory of Sound
First I will start talking about "The Last of Us", by Gustavo Santaolalla. Waveform can vary from it amplitude, wavelength and frequency. A waveform is the shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a physical medium or an abstract representation. In many cases the medium in which the wave is being propagated does not permit a direct visual image of the form. This can effect of the sound as wavelength is about how long the duration is.

The Last Of Us
Pitch is a perceptual property of sounds that allows their ordering on a frequency-related scale, or more commonly, pitch is the quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as "higher" and "lower" in the sense associated with musical melodies. But this doesn't apply to Gustavo Santaolalla's soundtrack, as pitch is usually related to vocals. Because as this soundtrack does not use any vocals during it. If I am wrong somehow, then pitch are usually compared in low and high. As low pitch is deeper and rougher, while higher pitch is lighter and sharper.Secondly, the soundtrack “Halo 2: Reach” by Martin O’Donnel. The waveform for this soundtrack would be high pitch, with the wavelength being short. This can be judge by listening to the guitar playing in the soundtrack.

Psychology of Sound
“The Last of Us” is oriented survival, drama and zombie styled game. All soundtrack in the game was designed by Gustavo Santaolalla, he did good job summarising the game with his music. As it’s towards to be more depressing during sad moments when characters are killed off. Or rare occasions during gameplay, happy moments, with Gustavo's soundtrack setting delightful moments between the main two character; Ellie and Joe.

Timbre and Pitch Table
Timbre is when several musical instruments have the same notes, yet give off different quality of sound. This can be implemented in the soundtrack for the "Last of Us". As it uses guitar and piano having constantly threw out the soundtrack having the similar notes. The sound of the soundtrack is able to give some information as its being a survival without first-world help. This can be interpreted in several different ways, but this what I picked from it.“Halo 2: Reach” is focused on action, adventure and bit of drama to the game. The soundtrack in this game is quite dramatic in action. At the start of the soundtrack has same timbre to it, using the same not, but differing on how the sound.

Audio Environment
The audio environment can vary as some game's company want a certain type of soundtrack, while on the other hand; there those who want good sound. So giving the Audio department full control. From listening to this soundtrack I can presume its surround sound. As one point in music, I was able to hear stomping on grass that was changing the direction of the sound.The audio in “Halo 2: Reach” is owned by Bungie. The sound of this would be mono, as when this game was being designed during it time. It wouldn’t have made any sense to make it surround sound, as it wasn’t popular, as today. So it would be mono; dual speakers coming from on direction.

An Audio Department
Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass. As this as it is own by Sony, but developed by Gustavo Santaolalla. The whole soundtrack was only developed by Gustavo Santaolalla, all by himself. Foley is used in “Halo 2: Soundtrack” uses its own homemade sounds, like the humming at the start of soundtrack using vocals. Then having a guitar player with drum and piano using the same notes, making it sound like their matched.

Foley, Artificial Sound 

Legal Issues
The soundtrack is owned by Sony, but being developed by Gustavo Santaolalla. If anyone uses without been given permission by Sony, will have to remove the video, or worst; they will be sued for breach of the copyright law. The soundtrack is owned by Bungie, the developers of “Halo 2: Reach”. Composed by Martin O’Donnel and Micheal Salvatori. Bungie maintains all to the soundtracks that have been made for Halo 2: Reach. They have the right to sue those who would use their soundtrack, without given permission.

Sound Format
I’ve narrowed done to being MP3, or lossy compressed. I think it lossy compressed as it’s programmed with game when to start playing the soundtrack. As lossy compressed has higher quality sound. MP3 is less likely as it downloaded soundtrack on to Blu-ray doesn’t sound right, as it wouldn’t make sense. So instead it possible that it is stored as lossy compressed, as a Blu-ray has a large storage for memory. For the “Halo 2: Reach”, soundtrack. It was formatted as a MP3, as during the time it was made; Blu-ray is not known that much. So it wouldn’t make sense to us any other format, as they would take a lot more space on limited DVD.

Sound Design Methodology
Sound Design methodology varies depending on what you talk about. But in this case; it would be “The Last of Us”, and “Halo 2: Reach”. “The Last of Us”, sound is more natural sounding, making the player more relaxed. While “Halo 2: Reach” does it opposite during middle section of the soundtrack, using aggressive guitar play. Giving the feeling to players’ that it’s more on point and a lot hostile.

Audio Limitation of Game Platforms
The audio limitation when making sounds can depend on the sound card, headphones, processing power, storage limitation and the inputting device. For the “Last of Us”, does has today time. We have very high quality headphones and inputting mics, allowing them to capture it raw. With the new sound cards being durable and stronger it would be powerful enough to capture it raw. The processors we have are i7 and AMDs, these two are able to processes at 4.5GHz to 5GHz. So the sound would be very high quality.

During when “Halo 2: Reach”, was being made. It would have been using incredible weak sound cards, as it won’t handle raw sounds. The imputing device would have been decent, as other Medias’ use mics to record vocals and sound. The headphones would have been decent, and again; other Medias’ would have been using it also.  The processing would have been between a 2.7GHz to 3.7GHz, this very generous assumption. As it would have likely used an i3 or new generation; i5, which isn’t that powerful.

The Difference Between Halo 2: Reach and The Last Of Us
The main difference is the age between these two game's sountrack. As Halo 2: Reach was limited because how new computers, so they couldn't get, nor make the best quality they could. But "The Last Of Us", is the opposite. As game designers get better technology, they are able to do more detailed work in the games, and soundtrack themeselves. Addtionally, as games can be played on Blu-ray, they can save a lot more information on a disc.

Halo 2: Reach


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